Multilingual Number to Word Conversion Tool

Number to Words Converter

How to Use:

1- Enter the Number: 

Input the number you wish to convert into words in the input field.

2- Select the Language: 

Choose the desired language from the dropdown menu (Arabic, English, French).

- Convert: 

Click the "Convert" button, and the result will appear below in bold and clear text.


Why Converting Numbers to Words is Important

- Formal Documentation:

Converting numbers to words is commonly required in official documents like contracts, checks, and invoices. In many countries, written numbers reduce the risk of fraud and errors.

- Multilingual Requirements:

In a globalized world, businesses often need to work with multiple languages. Being able to convert numbers into words in languages like Arabic, English, and French can streamline communication and ensure clarity in financial and legal matters.

- Improved User Experience:

For users reading complex figures in legal agreements or financial documents, seeing the number spelled out can help avoid misunderstandings, especially in multilingual documents.

Converting Numbers to Words in English

English has a fairly straightforward system for converting numbers to words, but it’s essential to follow proper rules to avoid mistakes, especially with large numbers.

Rules for Writing Numbers in Words:

Numbers from 1 to 20 have unique names (e.g., one, two, three...).

For numbers from 21 to 99, the tens and units are usually hyphenated (e.g., twenty-one, fifty-six).

For hundreds and thousands, use the word "and" to connect larger numbers with smaller figures (e.g., one hundred and twenty-three or two thousand and fifty-six).

Larger numbers like millions or billions follow similar patterns with commas dividing groups of three digits (e.g., one million, three hundred and fifty thousand).

Example Conversions in English:

45: Forty-five

876: Eight hundred and seventy-six

15,032: Fifteen thousand and thirty-two

Converting Numbers to Words in Arabic

In Arabic, numbers take on a complex grammatical structure, requiring adjustments for gender (masculine vs. feminine forms) and cases. Arabic is also written from right to left, adding a layer of complexity to the conversion.

Rules for Writing Numbers in Arabic:

Numbers from 1 to 10 have distinct masculine and feminine forms (e.g., واحد for one masculine, واحدة for one feminine).

Tens, hundreds, and thousands follow standard patterns, but when combining tens and units, Arabic uses conjunctions differently from English.

For larger numbers, Arabic uses unique structures for the thousands and millions (e.g., مليون, مليار).

Example Conversions in Arabic:

45: خمسة وأربعون

876: ثمانمائة وستة وسبعون

15,032: خمسة عشر ألفا واثنان وثلاثون

Arabic number-to-word conversions also require consideration of gender agreement. For example, the number "three" can be ثلاثة (feminine) or ثلاثة (masculine) depending on the noun being quantified.

Converting Numbers to Words in French

French, like Arabic, is a gendered language. However, the structure for converting numbers to words in French is closer to English, with some notable differences in the way compound numbers are formed.

Rules for Writing Numbers in French:

Numbers from 1 to 16 have unique words, and from 17 to 69, numbers are formed by adding a hyphen between the tens and the units (e.g., vingt-trois for 23).

From 70 to 99, French uses combinations of smaller numbers (e.g., soixante-dix for 70, which literally means “sixty-ten”).

Larger numbers like cent (hundred) and mille (thousand) follow familiar patterns.

Example Conversions in French:

45: Quarante-cinq

876: Huit cent soixante-seize

15,032: Quinze mille trente-deux

French also includes some unique rules for spelling numbers. For instance, when writing 80 (quatre-vingts), the word literally means "four twenties."

Tools for Number to Word Conversion

There are several tools available online that can automate the process of converting numbers to words, making it easy to switch between languages.

Online Converters: Tools like number-to-words converters can generate numbers in text format for Arabic, English, and French in seconds.

Multilingual Word Processing Software: Applications like Microsoft Word or Google Docs can handle number-to-word conversions using different language packs or plug-ins.

APIs for Developers: Developers can integrate number-to-word conversion APIs into their applications to support multilingual capabilities, perfect for businesses with diverse client bases.


The ability to convert numbers into words across languages such as Arabic, English, and French has many practical applications. From formal documentation to multilingual communication, understanding the rules and structures in each language can streamline the process and improve clarity. Whether you're handling international business or creating tools for global users, mastering number-to-word conversion will make your work smoother and more professional.

By implementing these practices, you can create a rich, user-friendly experience that also boosts your SEO rankings. Make sure to provide accurate, accessible, and fast tools for your users, and you’ll not only improve their experience but also drive more traffic to your platform.
