file links download platform

Upload links with your services Ads

Download Files

Explication of the upload tool for links to your files:

In order to raise your profile link and make it safe to visit, and take advantage of a lot of privileges by advertising different marketing services, sites, pages ... etc.

We offer you a tool that uploads, downloads, encodes, shortens, and protects all your links from viruses, malware, and the like, and this tool you can find above on the website: Coodme.

This tool uploads your link securely, with some perks and options that come to you related to:

- Add the password to the download link.
- The ability to add two ads of your own in the form of text, link, or image...
They appear above and below an icon or an upload and download tool...
Where you can take advantage of it and appear on the download link page...

How to use the file link upload tool?

1- Fill in the required blanks:

Fill in the required spaces in the tool, especially the mandatory ones with an asterisk ... in the following form:

- File name: 
Put in it the name of the file that puts its link in its own place.

- File uploader name: 
It belongs to the name of the person who downloaded the file, where you can put your name or the name of your site or any name that may be useful to you... If you put a link of yours as a download file in the text box, this name becomes compressed and the link is referred to I mean...

- File download site link: 
where you place a link to your blog, website, or entire forum, or any link that may belong to one of your services or a page of your pages in social networking sites. This field is optional. but if you leave it blank, it will automatically indicate the name you put in uploading the file to this page...

- Put the file link here: 
Here in this box, you put the link to your file, which you want to direct visitors and viewers too.

If you have files, you will upload them to google drive or Media Fire. etc., and get the link and put it here as a link to your download file.

After pressing the button, you will get a secure conversion link that you will place on your site, on social media pages, or anywhere you want.

- File size: 
Here you can set your file size by typing numbers or clicking on the arrows to choose the appropriate number. You just put in a number: eight and the tool automatically determines the capacity based on the numbers.

That is: you have to go to the original file on your computer and right-click on the screen, choose properties, copy the number in parentheses related: eight, and put it directly in the tool in the file size field.

2- Password:

And it is an optional field where you can put your password in this field to provide it to visitors and tell them to put it in your block...

3- Ads 1 and 2:

They are optional fields, and you can place the first and second ads in the form of:

A - Link: 
A specific site or service that can be clicked and directed visitors to and that takes advantage of traffic to that site or makes use of advertisements about your various services.

B - Text: 
write according to what you want to explain or communicate with visitors about the link of your file that will be downloaded easily, or write a short text in which ideas or creativity are explained and everything that is useful to you and your visitors and useful to everyone.

C - Image: 
where you can place the image link correctly... I mean, the image link must not contain symbols and must not belong to unintelligible characters. Instead, it should include clearly legible Latin letters... where if the image link contains incomprehensible letters and symbols, the download message will be wrong...

4- Download File Link button:

Click the file upload button to get the secure encrypted link.

5- Copy the link:

Click on the Copy icon to copy the link.

- is over...

I got a secure link to use for every useful purpose...

Where you can put this secure link in all your posts and files behind a specific name, image, or icon to download ... and others.

And if you want to publish it on social networking sites ... and others, you can re-cut, shorten and convert the link in one of the sites prepared for this and you're favorite ...

Or through this platform at the link below:

Cutting Platform

Connect cut and reduce platform.

The link will be as follows:

This site does not accept the publication of any advertisement containing links, texts, or images that violate public order and internationally recognized public morals, and everything that includes the anger of the public situation and everything that harms the heavenly religions and everything that degrades them and the dignity of ordinary and moral persons, and everything that would lead to Racism and hatred between people.etc.

Any person can inform the site administration of any violation that you have discovered, where you can send us the infringing link, to take the necessary measures and possible penalties against the violator, through a tool:

to this website, or any other possible means of communication.

The advantages of files links downloading:

1- Safe download of all your files.
2- Encode your links with a password.
3- Encrypt links professionally and with high accuracy.
4- The possibility of benefiting from your advertisements for free.
5- Add your name to the file link with your clickable link.
6- Easy-to-use script and advanced tool for shortening and downloading links.
7- Protect your links and files from viruses, malware, and others.
8- The option to add the secret code to download your links.
9- Secure, encrypted, continuous, and permanent links for life.
10- A free tool that everyone can benefit from.
11- High-precision technology in downloading professional links.


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